Warlords of Draenor pre-patch 6.0.2 has been released and it is time to say goodbye to Mist of Pandaria. It is both an end and a new start. Anything new for all World of Warcraft players? What sort of an era will be pushed out? Let’s give you a brief compilation.
Mist of Pandaria has ended.
In the past year, wow players have devoted themselves to Mist of Pandaria, some of whom are fond of its raids and some are for its dungeons. Even the dragons and Heroic fights in Pandaria have their unique features for their different plots and sceneries. Most players petition for a class panda, but no one knows whether it is allowed, and when it comes true.
For the leave of Mist of Pandaria, all the Justice points and valor points go away. From now on, if you are on the legendary quest line, you will never be finished it.
An era comes with Warlords of Draenor pre-expansion
With the launch of Patch 6.0.2, Pandaria Age comes to an end while Draenor Defense starts off. And from now on, it is the age of Level 100 to balance the world and cheap wow gold fast to control the whole Azeroth.Similar to the previous expansions, once Blizzard releases a new expansion, they have washed their hands of the last expansion, instead of tuning. That means, you'll get ability perks, different stat weights, and whole tier of talents, and powers for each class may be adjusted. If your class is weak, or another's seems strong, you've got to realize that you're ten levels under cap.
Besides, since Patch 6.0.2 is available, Justice and Valor can be exchanged for WOW gold. Blizzard seems to make this original wow currency weigh. You will need to buy wow gold cheap for heirlooms, old legacy gear, and elements of garrison progression etc.
Patch 6.0.2 gives you a chance to try out new spells, talents, and abilities, play around with new features, and do the pre expansion events in Warlords of Draenor 6.0 in advance. For this new journey, you can collect wow gold cheap and fast at safewow.
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