Release of the bikes we can find number of brands that give us variety of designs and models, in the same way we find diverse brands of helmets that can offer different levels of security, since the motorcycle helmet is an item of safety, which enables the driver to minimize the blow and therefore injuries can occur in a high speed crash.
Aside know if a Full Motorcycle Helmet meets standards of safety and technical quality of a country, a way of knowing that helmets are the safest and which are the best brands in the world, which gives us the security levels of a helmet, to thereby choose a helmet that fits our needs.
The Helmet Shop is assigned by a rating system of 5 stars, with 5 stars on the lowest level highest and 1 star, although this does not mean that 1 star helmet can not protect you, it all depends user requirements.
We leave you with our top 5 brands of helmets with their respective models have reached a level of safety of 5 stars. Helmets are classified into a system of five stars, one being the lowest and five the highest. The safest Motorcycle Helmets Best have five stars for its ability to help someone survive an accident.