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How to Nurse Pelvic Infection in Summer?
Pelvic inflammatory disease as a high incidence of gynecology, not only affect women's health but also lead to infertility, ectopic pregnancy, etc. disease. Summer is coming, how should we prevent the occurrence?

July 27, 2019

How to Pay Attention to the Symptoms of Interstitial Cystitis?
All interstitial cystitis have characteristic pain and frequency of urination. Pain is the main symptom. Pain is related to the degree of bladder filling.

July 26, 2019

How does Boric Acid Treat Candidiasis?
Candidiasis is a fungal disease caused by candida, especially Candida Albicans. The two most common syndromes are mucosal cutaneous candidiasis and invasive or deep organ candidiasis.

July 24, 2019

There Are Some Alternative Methods to Avoid Orchitis.
The incidence of orchitis is increasing, which brings a great impact and harm to patients' life and health. If it is delayed to treat for a long time, severe cases may cause male infertility.

July 20, 2019

Experts Said: Is There More Women with Cystitis Than Men?
Cystitis is a common urinary tract infectious disease, but women are more likely to suffer from cystitis than men. Therefore, in daily life, everyone should be responsible for their own physical health.

July 17, 2019

Sitting Long-term Could Be the Culprit of Annexitis?
Sitting for a long time is not only harmful to good health of women, but also can cause many gynecological diseases. Because of lacking of activity, blood circulation.

July 16, 2019

Can Eggs be Eaten by Prostatitis Patients?
Common diseases are closely related to our daily diet and living habits. As the saying goes, illness comes from the mouth. So the daily diet is particularly important for us. Can people with prostatitis eat eggs?

July 15, 2019

What Harms does Pelvic Inflammation Cause?
Pelvic inflammation refers to the inflammation of female genitals and their surrounding connective tissue and pelvic peritoneum. it will lead to the spread of inflammation in various physiological parts and many complications.

July 13, 2019

How Long does the Lower Abdomen Distension in Women Usually Persistent?
As the people's fast-paced lifestyle now, many people are in a sub-healthy state. People should be attention to strengthen the body's nutrition, and to take aerobic activities properly, which can alleviate symptoms.

July 12, 2019

Does the Possibility of Epidermis Appearing in Final Years Group Is Large?
Epididymitis could possibly be susceptible to infection in the inhabitants are young adults, and also to young adults, other age ranges of male friends may also get epididymitis. So is it a big threat on the elderly population?

July 10, 2019

What Exactly the Cause of Prostatic Hyperplasia Have?
Although the prostate hyperplasia is a type of disease of male friends, a lot of men friends for a lot of cause of the prostatic hyperplasia have a very not enough understanding, so what exactly the cause of prostatate hyperplasia have?

July 9, 2019

The Usual Undesirable Factors of Causing Pelvic Cavity Abscess
Pelvic abscess is a type of expression type of pelvic inflammation, and pelvic abscess causes serious damage to the lady, so, once there is treated as pelvic inflammation, you need to be treated actively to regular hospital.

July 8, 2019