Gaming among mobile phone users is on the rise. This kind of gaming is new, easily accessible and is usually considered a little safer than the regular gambling. These are called social casino games, and day by day their popularity is increasing. Contrary to a common belief, the goal of such games is not to wager or play with real money. They are solely for your entertainment and fun. The reason why the games are gaining ground is the fun factor.
Social casinos provide a quick, free action based entertainment in combination with good social interaction. They are sometimes called as free to play casinos and are most appropriate for people who like to play casino games without really spending money.
In general, social casinos are,
Very similar to real land-based or online casino games in mechanics.
The player plays the games without betting on real money.
The players can download the games and play without any charges.
According to the research, around 37% of desktop and mobile players are involved in this kind of casino games. You can choose to slots, roulette, poker, blackjack, bingo or live social casino. Though slots are the hot favorite among all the social games, the real-time online casino is growing popular as well. When you play live casino in a social environment, you get to chat and interact with the live dealers, just like in a live casino, which you play with real money.
Just like all games, these social games have aspects as well. The pros:
It is purely social. The point here is to play with friends and share it on social media sites like Facebook.
They are absolutely free to play. You do not need to spend a fortune for catching up on some fun.
The games provide you with good practice, and you can put your strategies to actual use. Most of them are skill and memory based. For example, when you choose to play blackjack online, it hones your skill.
You have the liberty to play anytime, anywhere. The games do not require any sophisticated software.
Some of the cons:
They provide quite simple games.
You cannot play for profit since there is no real money involved.
Because of the mentioned pros and cons, the games might appeal to some players, and some may not get associated with them. However, there is no denying the fact that social games are a huge hit.