Cyber attacks are a major challenge to both small and large businesses. They have become a common scenario as a majority of cyber criminals target individuals and businesses. Cybersecurity attack scenarios usually involve the sending of a malicious email by a cybercriminal to an individual or business and when this email is opened, their data gets hacked sometimes without them even knowing.
As a business owner, it is important to take necessary measures to safeguard your business from cyber attack as you wouldn’t want your data getting into the wrong hands. Below are some measures by which a business can safeguard itself from cyber attack.
1. Encrypt all data
All information regarding your business is to be considered as critical. There is no distinction between useful and useless information as long as your business is concerned. Encrypting data involves making the information on your hard drives secure and useless to anyone outside your organization. You also need to assign workers login details and set your computers to log out any user who is inactive for a 10 minute period.
2. Use Strong Password
When you use a weak password in securing your data, it becomes easy for cybercriminals to hack your data. It is mandatory that when choosing a password, you use a password with a combination of upper case and lower case letter, including numbers and other special characters such as @ and #. You can also setup two-factor authentication by including a phone number or email address. In this case, anyone trying to sign in your company account will be asked to enter the security code sent to the phone number or email before gaining access. Keep in mind that it is not safe to use personal information such as DOB or kids name when picking a password as they are easy to suggest by cybercriminals.
3. Use Strong Antivirus
A virus is a big threat to your company’s computer and server as it cripples the immunity level of your systems which makes it easier for hackers to invade your system. You will need to install a strong antivirus software to perform an occasional scan of files and folders on your computer and servers. You will also need to be updating the antirust software whenever an update is available from the developers.
4. Install a Firewall
A firewall for your computer can be likened to a security guard in your building. The primary function of a firewall is to secure your computer from impending attacks. It acts by controlling the online traffic coming in and leaving your business. With a firewall installed in your systems, it becomes a herculean task for hackers to invade your systems.
5. Update your Operating System
Updating your operating system is another way of cyber protection. The popular operating systems such as Google, Apple and Microsoft are always on the lookout for ways to ensure that users data are protected from hackers. So they regularly introduce new versions of their operating system developed with the latest form of security against cyber criminals.
6. Backup Your Data
This is important in to safeguard your important files and folders in case of an unknown attack or data loss. There is malware that can erase all the information on your systems and without a backup in place, it becomes almost impossible to retrieve the information. Saving your files and folders to a separate hard drive or uploading them to the cloud is another way of protecting your business from cyber attack.