SCADA or Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition play a vital role in today's modern businesses. In fact, SCADA is now considered as the essential real-time IT strategy that cannot simply be ignored by organizations without potentially sacrificing the profitability and productivity of their business.
The Benefits of Having a SCADA System in an Organization
With the rise of technological advancements and automation in various industries, trivial tasks have become easier to handle resulting in increased productivity. However, this advancement also opens up the way for cyber-attacks and threats that have the potential to compromise the efficiency and security of the industrial processes involved.
SCADA allows effective monitoring and control of equipment and infrastructures critical for the industrial processes. These complex industrial processes tend to be more vulnerable to a variety of security threats which is why they require extensive protection from the external threats.
SCADA system allows an organization to:
Remotely or Locally Control and Monitor Industrial Processes
Track, Gather and Analyze Real-time Information and/or Data
Record Pertinent Events Into An Organized Log File
Generate Reports Automatically
Have the Easy-to-use User Interfaces for devices and interactions such as graphical HMI or Human-Machine Interface with animation for simpler understanding of concepts
Have an Accurate and Automated Calculation
The Four SCADA System Security Best Practices
As more sophisticated threats are emerging now, industrial process is generally becoming more vulnerable to attacks. Industrial Control System Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition or ICS SCADA can be considered a backbone for the industry and an important component for the success of the industrial processes.
Security Should Be At the Center of the SCADA System
Overall, the security aspect must become an integral part of the entire industrial processes for obvious reasons. In the same way, security must be the main thing to consider when you are planning and designing your organization's ICS SCADA systems.
Have a Proper Communication Channel Among Your Team
In order to arrive with a solid ICS/SCADA security, a team effort is a must. You can conduct brainstorming or brown bag sessions so each member of the developing team can solicit their ideas and offer solutions to challenges your team will meet during the development process.
Increased Collaboration Is Crucial
Everyone in the team should get involved and collaborate including the policy decision-makers, the operators, and the manufacturers to contribute to a more calibrated SCADA System.
Develop a Disaster Recovery Plan
The best time to prepare for a disaster is now. Have a disaster recovery and back up plan in place. If possible test your developed plan to measure its efficiency and determine if there are loopholes that are left unnoticed. This helps to ensure large-scale interruptions are avoided and hasten your recovery time after an attack.
The wide range of communication network and most especially the Internet has undoubtedly helped revolutionized the industrial processes around the world. The bad news is this has also paved the way for various security attacks. Hence, the need to establish a solid ICS Security system is not just a mere option for organizations. Rather, it must be a priority.