It has become simpler to migrate huge on-premise workloads easily to AWS today, through the use of AWS Server Migration Service (SMS).The coordination of server migrations on a large-scale has been made easier through the automation, scheduling, and tracking of the live server volumes replications by the AWS SMS.
AWS SMS has the following benefits:
1. Getting started easily:
A few simple clicks through the AWS console can let a person accomplish the server migration easily. TheAMI (Amazon Machine Images) will be created by the AWS SMS as per the requirement through the automatic replication of live server volumes to AWS.
2. Controlling the process:
The large-scale migrations can be managed through the creation of customized replication schedule and track the progress of each.
3. Readiness
The migration of the incremental changes makes the process faster while reducing the network bandwidth.
4. Cost-efficient;
One can use AWS SMs free of cost, paying only for the resources that would be used for storage purposes while the migration process.
5. Reduction of downtime:
This is possible because of the incremental server replications.
There is always a physical limitation when the data is transferred from the on-premises to the cloud. A range of cloud migration tools is provided by Amazon for the ease of the data movement through the networks, roads and technology partners.
6. Cloud migration strategies for applications that are generally implemented by the customers are mentioned below:
1. Lift and shift strategy or rehosting :
Rehosting helps in quickly scaling the migration when a business case has to be met.It also leads to a significant cost reduction.
Cloud migration tools such as AWS VM Import/Export, Racemi, help to automate the process
Once the applications run in the cloud, they can be easily optimized
2. Lift-tinker-and-shift orReplatforming strategy:
Cloud optimizations are sometimes needed without changing the core applicationarchitecture. The time spent in the management of database instances can be reduced through migration to a database-as-a-service platform such as Amazon RDS, or to a completely managed platform such as Amazon Elastic Beanstalk.
3. Repurchasing strategy:
It basically means moving to another product such as a SaaS platform.
4. Refactoring or Re-architecting strategy
In this strategy, the native features of the cloud are used for re-imagination of the way in which the architecture was developed
This is necessary because the business might require scaling, better performance, and the addition of new features that can't be accomplished in the existing environment.
5. Retirement strategy.
This is a strategy to get shed off the unnecessary portions of any portfolio to enhance the saving which can be used for focusing on the generally used things as well as reduction of the area that has to be secured.
6. Retaining strategy:
In this strategy, certain applications need to be left as they are, without causing any changes until one is not sure about migration or prioritization of a recently upgraded application. It is necessary to make sure that any migration carried out makes strict sense.