AWS EBS (Amazon Elastic Block Store), is made for applications that need to increase their performance and capacity while decreasing their cost at the same time. This could be really good for applications with big data since it can decrease what they have and complete the work they do have quicker.
AWS EBS provides block storage for the Amazon EC2 to use in the AWS Cloud. This aspect was made for users to increase the availability and durability. It also protects users from component failure, which is a very important aspect to keep in mind as it would make life easier. The AWS EBS can also remove any workload that you need to do but believe there is not enough time to complete. All these aspects can be received at a low price, which makes it even more eye-catching!
EBS Volume
As previously mentioned, EBS can provide block storage that is in volumes. This implemented that volume is a very important aspect for EBS and they aim to make it one of the best sectors they can offer. Therefore, here are the main aspects that revolve around EBS Volume.
High-Performance Volumes
This could be between SSD-backed and HDD-backed. Each of these was made to help deliver the highest type of performance that the application needs. High performance is one of the most important aspects of any user and application and most people thrive until they can get it to the right spot.
The volume of AWS EBS has been created to fit up to 100% - 0.001% for their availability structure. This aspect will make sure that your application will be protected from any component failure and if it does occur to make sure it does any vital information.
AWS EBS provides encryption between both parties when the information is being passed between them.
Access Management
It lets you access what type of volumes are available and which volumes can be perfect for your application. As well as securing your data on spot. As the name mentions you will receive access to the options, what you want and what you can have.
Elastic Volumes
These are implemented for applications who may have small data now, but it will gradually keep increasing. This is done because it will help increase capacity, performance and provide you with on spot changing volumes.
EBS Snapshot
This is one of the types of volumes, but it deserves its own section because of the activity it can provide applications. It provides on spot snapshots in these volumes for any certain application. Thus, if anything gets lost, you can always go back and look for the last snapshot implemented so not all the data will be gone. EBS Snapshots was made for applications that need high tech security and always have ongoing important information. These snapshots are thing backed up to the Amazon S3 for a very long time and accessible whenever you need them to be.