You can use on the internet for these items (I will give a list to anyone who is interested) or you can use an application that will find the best merch to purchase for the week. (Have only seen one, and it's on my computer as it is home made lol) These items are extremely hard to find even though they are considered mainly to be essential items such as food or "skilling items." Here's a list I believe to be the most effective merchandise to market in small amounts of time. You can also get your friends on board to help boost prices by purchasing more one type of item.
Well there's my personal top ten that I merch with... This information is not to be sold as I'm finished with trading in Runescape and am more focused on my abilities. All the best! Good Luck to everyone! (Oh and I am sorry if I posted this in the wrong place and move it to the right place if you must)
I'm not sure what to say about the female voice. I am really unsure of the motives behind this door. Perhaps someone connected to Zaros? I just hope that it's a fascinating person and that there's a reason behind it. Kill, fight, and stab." Update
I'm asking God to grant the players access to the random generator for dungeons to increase the challenge level before their boss. AS for collaboration, why not use a mechanic where he disables a player and someone else must free them, that's the most straightforward method. You could make use of random dungeon generators but they'd need to be at highest level for all the tasks. This way, you won't have to deal with the problem of the dungeon being shut off due to half the dungeon was abruptly closed.
I believe that the option of disabling would be fantastic and fits in with the concept of teamwork. For example it could be possible to create a deep freezer attack that targets only one person at a given time. Then it would melt slowly (not infinite, so if unprotected it can be escaped). This would make players form a group that is at minimum two.
In the near future bosses who have tougher bosses are likely throw in many bosses in the Dung style. They have very little to lose. While some bosses will be less successful than others (Lexicus comes immediately to mind), I think that changing the tactics used to kill bosses is a great method to make more exciting boss battles.
Jagex and the Dangers Half Assed Wildy
In light of all the controversy surrounding the revival and expansion of the wilderness This article will offer an in-depth look at how it might impact the game. I'll also go over the ways that the new game techniques developed over time would be in conflict with the "wildy" we now refer to, as well as the possible issues.
Let's first discuss the wilderness borders. There was no safe zone prior to 2007. This wilderness design is one of the fundamentals, and it includes safe zones. Although you may claim that they should not be removed, they do disrupt any currently pvp battles. The idea is to move into a secure zone and it also concentrates fighting around them.
This is a defeat for the primary purpose of the lawless area. We need to consider whether we can get a new redesigned wilderness, either like the one in BH Worlds or the one we have now. This brings up another problem, current activities in the wilderness that weren't present before. Do they stay or go and what impact could this have.
Personally, I'd like to move all the minigames (Clan Wars FOG Sealing off Deamonhiem Defender of Varrock, and Sealing off Deamonhiem) However, the three quests make it very difficult. The Defender of Varrock and Summer questline both contain large chunks of the wilderness. If we assume that the quests will stay, I believe it would be best to instancing the entire quest. What exactly do I mean by this? You are completely on your own once you get to the quest's start point, or when you enter the wilds as part of the story of the Defender of Varrack. While this would slightly change the quest it wouldn't affect it in any way.
Green Dragons and armoured Zombies, Chaos Ele, and other similar things must be the same. However, I think the most effective training location should be a little risky. But the Corporeal beast is a fascinating aspect, and I'm sure it would be fun to barrage runners going to the cave the boss's mechanic is unique in RS in that you will be banking a number of times because of the high risk nature. If the entrance was relocated closer to the border of the wildy, it could be more appealing as it is currently just past level 20, the cut-off point for telegraphs.
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