OSLO, Norway December 14, 2023
We with a powerful version of Vivaldi wrapped up with new features and improvements you'll love.
In our latest version, we are introducing the Sessions Panel, a new panel on the sidebar for managing saved sessions and your collections of organized tabs. With the Sessions Panel, you can view, reopen, and even edit your Sessions.
Our Sync functionality now makes your complete browsing history available on all your devices. All data in Vivaldi Sync is fully end-to-end encrypted (E2EE).
From this update onward, you can find and open your synced tabs from the Address Field or Windows Panel on your current device.
Furthermore, you no longer need to manually move and organize tabs into the desired Workspace. The new Workspace Rules automatically moves tabs to a predefined Workspace based on your easy-to-configure rulesets.
Additionally, there's a new option to the built-in Notes that helps you add more text to an existing note.
Ready for download, Vivaldi 6.5 helps you keep focused and organized during the holiday chaos. Let's find your joy:
Introducing the Sessions Panel
Sessions are a way for you to store your open tabs and start over with a clean slate freeing up memory and resources on your computer. A Session can contain tabs from a single window, all your windows, and optionally your Workspaces too.
The sessions Panel in the sidebar of the Vivaldi browser has powerful editing functionality
The Sessions Panel is a new side panel for managing your Sessions. This top-requested feature lets you quickly manage, create, and reopen your saved Sessions. You can view, rename, and edit the contents of the saved Sessions to selectively reopen some tabs in your current Session.
You can also enable Automatic Session Backup from the bottom of the panel. Session Backups are created automatically once every hour for up to 30 days and they contain a snapshot of all your open tabs. Or you can manually save any session at any time at your convenience.
Vivaldi now syncs your full browser history (encrypted, of course!)
New in this release, Vivaldi Sync makes your complete browsing history and the list of web pages you've visited and available across all your devices. Never lose that article you read on the bus or that recipe you discovered on your tablet again!
About Vivaldi Technologies
Vivaldi Technologies is an employee-owned company that creates products and services for discerning web users. In everything it does, it believes in putting its users first.
Vivaldi is a powerful, personal, and private browser that adapts to you, not the other way around. Find more at https://vivaldi.com/ .
The browser strives to offer the best Internet experience on any device
For more information, please contact:
Varsha Chowdhury
[email protected]
Haakon Rølmann
[email protected]
For Japan-related queries, please contact:
Kaori Kotobuki
[email protected]