I just a great show people on baby I'm on their screen where theselittle icons are there at the very top and it is a minyou get the microphone the video band with your settings and to end so your rain is that it showslive now at the tap to which you didn't before but one thing you must do is actuallymass I would that this growing because it sells .
Sliding screen now so if the masses and I'll let you don't seeany in child or so to say that control shoot me too they you mash on the screen minutesummer none the other thing that I was gonnamention am that happens to us well trickle era goesthrough the grieving process is usually set up like a and I almost wannacome a two-minute speech where tell people what to do like if for some reason their videolacks up have hopped out happen again to makesure this ain't the up the room that were im so they can getin quickly and then if for some reason I go off isthe producer and they know that nobody's gonna seeanything until I come back on it basically comes up with a massivesaying that town where were temporarily of here that something's happened & that damnwill be back and surely cell while you know I always from warnedthem kinda what the rules the game our and how thatcomes together something should happen to either themor me turnout cast so what john has shown sigh is that Ihaven't got to worry im prolly .
Andrew tried to carry on are the actualhang out because now be saying what's happened although the parents can talkto each other still say each other its I am live on ER black bear isn't being recorded until aproducer which in La in this crisis Joan actuallycomes back into the media yeah any you know in in these cases it is something that doeshappen often I also say to them that to Nice Francesince it's just nah man me I'm it's actually my my shoulders as aproducer to have a little material available in case theydo get cut off to be able to sell and so that'ssomething you can keep in mind to list something happens when your guests make sure you Nucific Bio X4 have plenty material tocontinue on until we come back an to you is it you need to get backinto the interview or whatever with you side that's anycast your car your intobeing special episode 121 and something happens to bad link thenyou can carry on talking and not just got up hope they don't they %uh my mind good I i ka mag lol I Agostino it does happen things willhappen all time and now .
I am it doesn't matter whetherit's hangouts are going to have an hour whatever it might be is always gonna beappoint timer something goes wrong technically and its income caring lineit's funny you say that because my computer just nashnamie batteries notthe four percent plug in your equipment know how her the Augustaregional is Adam surely atop I but I think I think this covers some youknow most of what we do Nucific Bio X4 in the green room really look at the Green Room isreally a special time to to get to know your gas ininteractive before and after the man's and many times will stay I sometimes upto an hour after an amendment just just get a chance to connect andChet somatic it the great thing about hang out as itdoes give you.
Tom interaction that we don't normally get achance to take anymore is he not in San yeah because on the actual higher itself you'refocusing on your title your actually countdown to hang on Nucific Bio X4 on but they soapinformation comes out there that suddenly like all kinds of and youdon't actually signed it on because it's not relevant to what'shappening on enough I am but once the I at leastfinished then call these different things come.