In terms of safety, Cyprus ranks rather high compared with the other developed nations. This, however, doesn’t mean that no crimes happen in the country. Along with burglaries and petty thefts, Cyprus also experiences its share of white collar crimes. The Cyprus criminal law has been in force since 1928 and is generally termed as respected and esteemed. There are large law firms in the country that deal with criminal law, debt collection and other matters of litigation.
Criminal Law in Cyprus
The criminal law in Cyprus encompasses a range of crimes, both violent and business. You can approach a law firm for both blue and white collar crimes - as a plaintiff or a defendant. Cyprus is one of the most just nations in the world when it comes to dealing with crimes and whether you have been criminally charged or you want to criminally charge someone, you can rest assured that your case will be dealt with in the right way. What remains important is that you let an experienced lawyer handle your case. Like in every other country, the criminal laws may seem rather complex in the eyes of the general public and it is only an experienced lawyer who can fight your case like the way it should be.
Criminal Law Jurisdiction and Types of Crimes
In Cyprus, criminal justice is enforced by the District Courts, and then followed by the Assize Court and finally the Supreme Court of Cyprus in the capacity of its appellate jurisdiction. Once a Supreme Court verdict is reached, the decision is final and to be followed by all the subordinate Courts.
The types of crimes handled under Cyprus criminal law are all-encompassing and include some of the types of crimes mentioned below.
• Assault
• Drug trafficking and possession
• Fraud
• Money laundering
• Offences related to health and safety
• Offences related to trade descriptions
• Property-related crimes
• Regulatory offenses
• Road traffic crimes
• Theft
• Violent crimes
The punishments meted out for such crimes depend on the type and extent of the crime. The punishments can range from fines, suspension sentences, probation, monitoring and imprisonment.
It is always advised that you get in touch with your criminal lawyer at the earliest stage of your case. This allows your lawyer to get to the bottom of the case and build on it accordingly. This is not to say that you shouldn’t approach a lawyer in the middle of your case, but your acting earlier helps your lawyer help you better.
Collecting unpaid debts
The same rule applies for debt collection, domestic or international. The rules related to the collection of debts are stringent and they vary from country to country. In the last few years, the courts have put various laws in place to ensure that the interests of the debtors are kept in mind and they don’t fall prey to unsavory debt recovery tactics. It is never advised that you approach a defaulter on your own because you may end up facing a court case yourself.
The best settlement options for you
It is common knowledge that most of the debt defaulters don’t prefer going to the court for the settlement. Litigation is often a waste of time, money and resources because the courts take their time to settle cases. An experience lawyer will be able to leverage on this thought process and the situation through counseling and settle the matter out of court. It should not happen that you end up spending more in a court case than what is due to you. The same rule applies if you are a debtor to someone.
There are complexities involved in the calculation of the unpaid debts and in the creation of a settlement plan. If you don’t have experience in such matters, let someone with experience do the job for you – in this case, your lawyer.
The top law firms in the country understand that your debt case could be different from the other debt cases and they offer you customized service. Whether you need to recover money from a debtor or need to pay someone, the best payment plan will be designed through consultations so that both the parties see benefit.
The type of case doesn’t matter – you need to hire from the best law firms in the country. You will get the right advice from the right lawyer and your case will be fought the way it should be. If you need some time to finalize your lawyer, go ahead and do that. What matters in the end is that you have someone with your interest in mind.
For all cases related to Cyprus criminal law ( and other areas including debt collection (, find the best lawyer to handle your case.