Sliced Bread Animation, a leader in animation and eLearning solutions, has announced its commitment to revolutionizing corporate training experiences through the power of virtual reality (VR) education and training.
A team with a powerful blend of technical proficiency, strategic thinking, communication prowess, and project management has been established by Christina and Jamie over the course of the last 20 years. This powerful combination positions Sliced Bread Animation at the forefront of innovation in virtual reality education and training.
Christina joined the Aardman team as an animator and has a plethora of expertise from there. The top TV and film animation studio noticed her while she was still a student. Jamie, on the other hand, honed his skills creating animation for advertising commercials, gaining valuable marketing theory alongside his animation expertise.
The company's commitment to virtual reality (VR) education and training is revolutionizing corporate training experiences. VR training surpasses traditional methods by placing learners in immersive simulations, allowing them to develop practical skills in a safe, cost-effective environment.
Virtual reality education and training surpasses traditional methods by placing learners in immersive simulations, allowing them to develop practical skills in a safe, cost-effective environment.
Key Advantages of VR Education and Training
• Safe Learning Environments: VR creates realistic simulations of potentially hazardous situations, enabling trainees to practice critical skills without risk.
• Accelerated Learning: Studies show VR learners retain information at a much faster rate compared to traditional methods. VR also minimizes distractions, further enhancing focus and knowledge retention.
• Experiential Learning: VR fosters a powerful "learn by doing" experience, mirroring the 70:20:10 model of learning, where 70% of knowledge is acquired through experience.
• Remote Training: VR eliminates geographical limitations, allowing geographically dispersed teams to participate in training sessions simultaneously.
• Cost-Effective: VR training eliminates travel and accommodation expenses, while the reusable nature of VR simulations minimizes long-term costs.
Sliced Bread Animation has already developed a wide range of virtual reality education and training programs for various industries. The company is confident that VR education and training will become an essential element in future corporate training strategies.
About Sliced Bread Animation
Founded in 2002, SB Animation is an award-winning animation studio based in London. The company focuses on creating engaging and immersive communication experiences through a multi-talented team of artists and developers. Sliced Bread Animation is headed up by Company Directors Christina Vilics and Jamie Denham. The company is passionate about creating engaging and effective learning experiences through the power of VR technology. For more details, visit company website: