Congratulations! You guys successfully released a gamebreaking update (yet again) without thinking of the repercussions this obviously has against the people who owned pures before this update was released. You guys pretty much didn't even acknowledge any of the points that every pure was worried about (Congratulations on that one too). Kind of makes me feel like it was a worth of time even writing up that thread to make some logical suggestions.
So anyways, you guys messed up pretty badly even in the wording in runescape gold 07 game players the Patch Notes where you stated, "If you've accidentally gained unwanted levels in the above stats, these options allow you to undo that and get your account back as you want it". So what does this mean. I see the term accidentally being used there, that would make it logical to allow pure resets if the defence level of the character being reset was between 1-50. There's 0 (zero) reason to cater to people who have a defence level higher than that at all. You don't get 99 defence on "accident". It's not like you kill 1 cow and go from 1 defence to 99. There's no accident involved in getting a defence level over 50 whatsoever.
So anyways, it's too late to ask for you guys to implement that fix since the resets are already on live. But something you can add which won't affect the gameplay of anyone wanting to reset their defence level (at all) and will greatly benefit and make people who were pures before this update like you guys a lot more would be to give all rs accounts that had a defence level of 1 before this update a title signifying that they had 1 defence before the release of this update. Now i'm not asking for anything fancy by any means, it dosen't even have to have a special color or even sound cool. Just a title that is only obtainable by accounts that had 1 defence before this update.
What this effectively does is gives something that distinguishes people who have been pures for their whole account and people who trained their account normally and got defence and have now decided to switch. This should be a really really really easy update, if you are worried about the script giving the title to too many inactive level 3 fresh accounts, just make it where to get the title you have to be 1 defence but have 50+ in any combat stat or something along those lines.
Anyways, is your best choice for game playing. I'm extremely disappointed in Jagex that this update went through in the matter it did and without the restrictions that it should have had, but by adding a cosmetic title to 1 defence accounts who were 1 defence before this update, we can be rewarded in a cosmetic non-game changing or game breaking way for our efforts and struggles in leveling and maintaining a 1 defence account throughout EoC thus far.