The new RuneScape Desperate Times quest finally come online. Prepare necklace of Charos & more. Follow this guide, team up with Kerapac and Thok and solves puzzles to win Charos' Clue Carrier, master clue scroll, huge XP lamp and more.
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Desperate Times RuneScape guide
1.Talk to Seren on the 2nd floor of Burthorpe Castle.
2.Talk to Osman/Vanescula Drakan/Zarador for a location, then talk to Sir Amik Varze/Brundt the Chieftain/Moia for a workforce, and finally talk to Azzanadra/Garlandia/King Roald for seeds. No matter how're three combination of your choices, they will fail.
3.Head west of Piscatoris Fishing Colony to The Needle, speak to Kerapac.
4.Talk to Kerapac again after closing the 5 temporal instabilities near the needle, in backyard and upstairs of the house.
5.Head to McGrubor's Wood, get into mysterious hole south-east of the fairy ring. Then investigate the coffin, read the Letter from Charos.
6.Go to the Digsite, step on the portal near the Empty Throne Room till it unlocks. Find the first key, step on the exit portal to the west. Note the order of the icons.Rearrange the slide puzzle in middle to match the icons seen from the chests.
Solutions for all three keys in RS Desperate Times:
When the room has a note on a recipe, the code will be ingredients if the amount of each can be represented with a single roman numeral, otherwise, the code is the first letter of each ingredient.
If the room has items cannot be pick up on the ground, the code is first letter of each item going clockwise.
If the room has coins, the code is the number of coins each pile in Roman numerals from left to right.
If a plaque is next to the room's door, the code is the first letter of each lodestone name.
If the room has one item named with four letter on the ground, the combination is the four letters.
7.Go upstairs at north of Varrock Castle entrance, step on the portal in room to the south-east for 2nd key.
8.Get in the Black Knights' Fortress and step on the portal nearby for 3rd key.
9.Talk to Reldo, give Charos 3 rune bars, 2 runite stone spirits, 10 gleaming energy, and 10 mind runes, then return to The Needle.
10.Talk to Kerapac, then kill the 5 Sliske clones, pick the fragments on the path to make Sliske's mask.
11.Wear the mask and kill Guthix to harvest memories, then talk to Guthix near the empty fairy ring.
12.Click the 4 green mutable anima once each .
13.Go into west room past Sliske, jump gap outside window on south side, run across planks, drop down and climb rock face then through obstacle. Run around through each room, open the door at the last room.
14.Switch all the green mutable animas. Use temporal rifts to teleport between levels.
15.Get unrefined animas around the laboratory, switch some of the green mutable animas, making them direct to Kerapac.
16.Return to the Council in Burthorpe and talk to Seren.
Now follow the guide to complete the Desperate Times RS3 quest and win the Charos' Clue Carrier and more. But don’t forget to prepare necklace of Charos and other required items. Also buy RuneScape gold for sale from us if you need any.
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