Since now, You are allowed to trade OSRS Tier 10 Emblem with others and on the GE. you can also use Looting bag in PvP worlds. Here are more PvP improvements implemented in game.
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For T10 emblems, what updates have been brought into game?
Tier 10 emblems have been tradeable with other players and on the Grand Exchange. In addition, only the players with 300+ total level and 25+ hours of game time can go to the BH world in order to combat emblem farming.
What PvP areas can the looting bag work?
From now on, the looting bag is allowed in some certain areas on PvP worlds, including: Varrock, Lumbridge, Camelot & Seers Village, Edgeville, Rimmington, Castle Wars Entrance as well as Duel Arena Entrance. Never forget for UIM it still only works in the Wilderness.
What W45 DMM new player changes have been made?
To cheer new players up for the Permanent Deadman world, they will have a 12-hour protection timer rather than 6. There are some quests and their pre-requisites can be unlocked by them too, such as: Dragon Slayer, Animal Magnetism, and Monkey Madness, Romeo & Juliet, Goblin Diplomacy, and Prince Ali Rescue. Moreover, the defender drop rate in W45 has been increased to 1/25 with the dragon defender's rate increased to 1/50.
How do you like these changes?
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