When the big summer update Song of the Elves arrives, you will have a rare chance to encounter the Crytal implings OSRS, which drop the unique Elven Signet. In the meantime, in Prifddinas you also may get infinite Teleport Crystal by killing or pickpocketing the elves.
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How to catch Crystal Impling to win the Elven Signet?
There will a wild impling occasionally spawning only in Prifddinas, attached to the crystal structures. It requires 80 Hunter to catch with a net or 90 Hunter with nothing in hand. When catching the Crystal implings, you may win elven themed items from their own loot table, especially the unique one Elven Signet. This new ring will offer a 5% chance to preserve a charge when using some Crystal items like armour, tools weapons and so on (Blade of Saeldor excluded) when worn.
Obtain infinite version of the teleport crystal
On the other hand, the tradeable infinite teleport crystal will have unlimited charges when it is added in game, and all the elves in Prifddinas will have this. There is a rare chance for you to pickpocket it from elves in Prifddinas or obtain it as a drop from Prifddinas guards. Please remember only the players who complete Song of the Elves can use it.
These two new updates sound very interesting, and do you want to enjoy them soon? It won’t be long, we believe.
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