When it comes to masturbation, some women are completely open and honest about how often they do it and others simply shy away from the question. However, it remains your personal preference how you feel about the topic, and nobody should ever tell you otherwise. Yet, it is sometimes the case that you might be wondering about something in secret and as you struggle to gather the confidence to ask the questions you want to have answers to openly, you simply struggle in your misery. One of these questions appears to be how often women should masturbate.
“As often as they want,” comes the direct answer from the founder of the brand that brought the world the most realistic dildos ever, Real Doll. Matt McMullen states that women can never masturbate too often. He also confirms that statistics indicate that while most of the population do it at some point in their lives, the frequency varies between being a once-off occasion to annually, two to three times per week and then some do it even more often.
“There are many different options women use while masturbating and while some prefer to use no aids, others simply can’t reach the point of orgasm without something to help them along. For many, it is often our realistic dildos that do the trick for them. As more than half of the women who admit that they masturbate regularly state that they do it for the orgasm they enjoy, it appears that it is quite a successful way to immerse yourself in sexual satisfaction without having to have a partner to give you the joy you desire,” McMullen continuous.
Research also indicates that women masturbate far less than men. This difference is called the masturbation gap. This gap entails that while only 8% of men confirm that they have never masturbated, 21% of women state the same. Men would also masturbate more often than women. However, this only means that women have still plenty of room to catch up and will never be overindulging in this self-inflicted pleasure and sexual joy.
“As long as that your masturbation is not harming any other part of your life, you are still fine. However, once you begin to miss deadlines, appointments or are no longer enjoying life as you used to due to this habit, it might be time to seek help. Otherwise, simply enjoy your own company and the pleasure it brings,” he concludes.
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