Hong Kong is a popular place for immigrants to Canada. There are many reasons why people want to move there, but most people want the opportunity to live in a country with an innovative culture and a strong economy.
Canada has been ranked as one of the best countries in the world for economic growth and business development by The World Bank Group and The United Nations (UN). It also ranks high in terms of quality of life, education, personal safety, and democratic institutions. These factors make Canada an attractive destination for immigrants from around the world.
The most common way for Hong Kong residents to move to Canada is through the skilled worker category of immigration. This category allows people with certain professional skills or education levels (including university degrees) to come and live permanently in Canada on a conditional basis. This means that once you've arrived in Canada, you'll need to apply for permanent residence within two years—which means that your plans must be well-thought-out before coming here!
The Hong Kong Pathway Policy was developed to help ensure that immigrants from China and other countries have the opportunity to settle here and contribute to the Canadian economy. The policy is intended for those who have completed high school or college in their home country but do not yet speak English well enough to attend university or vocational training programs in Canada.
The Pathway Policy guarantees enrolment into one of our approved programs at any post-secondary institution in Canada. You must complete two years of full-time study at an eligible institution before applying for permanent residency from within Canada (or from abroad). If you have completed only one year of study, then you can apply for temporary status immediately after completing the second year; however, this will not count towards the two-year requirement.