Valvesonly is famous for Plug Valve Manufacturer in USA. A plug valve is a type of quarter-turn valve that uses a cylindrical or tapered plug to stop, start, or regulate fluid flow. The plug is rotated 90 degrees to control flow, with the opening and closing being achieved by either a rising or a tapered plug. It offer a straightway passage through the ports so that fluid can flow through the opening plug with a minimum of turbulence. Plug valves can be made of various materials, including cast iron, steel, bronze, plastic and stainless steel. The choice of material will depend on the specific requirements of the application, including fluid temperature, pressure, and chemical compatibility, as well as other factors such as cost, durability, and ease of use. The main aim of plug valves is to provide a simple, reliable, and efficient solution for controlling fluid flow. Whether it is for shutting off flow, regulating fluid pressure, or controlling fluid flow in a specific direction, plug valves aim to meet the needs of their users by providing a dependable and effective solution.
The flow path in a plug valve is created by a cylindrical plug that rotates within the valve body to open and close the flow of fluid. The plug is attached to a stem and is designed to fit snugly within the valve body, creating a seal that prevents fluid from escaping. In more plug valve, the flow path is characterized by a smooth, unobstructed passage that allows fluid to flow through the valve with minimal turbulence or restriction. The cylindrical shape of the plug and the rotation mechanism provide a simple and efficient means of controlling fluid flow, while also minimizing pressure drop. Some types of plug valves, such as multi-port or cage-retained plug valves, may feature a more complex flow path that allows for the control of multiple fluid streams. However, even in these cases, the flow path remains straightforward and designed to provide accurate and reliable control over fluid flow.
Valvesonly is the prime Plug Valve Manufacturer in USA. It are available in a variety of sizes, forms and dimension and can also customized to meet the needs of our customers.
Types of plug valve:
• Lubricated Plug Valve
• Non-lubricated Plug Valve
• Jacketed Plug Valve
• Twin Seal Plug valve
• Lift Plug valve
• Orbit Plug valve
• Eccentric Plug valve
• Expanding Plug Valve
Advantages of plug valve
• It has a simple design
• It can be easily opened or closed
• By using multiport designs helps in reducing the need for valve and allow a change in the flow of direction
• It is easy to clean which can be done without removing the piping system
• It provides a reliable leak-tight service
Industries of plug valve
• Chemical Industry
• Oil & Gas Industry
• Petrochemical Industry
• Energy Industry
Parts of plug valve
• Body
• Bonnet
• Trim
• Actuator
• packing
Body material: Cast Carbon steel (WCC, WCB, WC6), Stainless Steel [SS316, SS304, SS316L, SS904L, CF8, CF8M, F31L, F91], DUPLEX STEEL and Super duplex Steel (F51, F53, F55), Cast iron, Ductile Iron.
Class: 150-2500; PN 10 – PN 450
Size: 1/2”- 48”.
Operations: Lever actuated plug valve, electric actuated plug valve, pneumatic actuated plug valve, gear actuated plug valve
Ends: Flanged, butt weld, socket weld, threaded