Getting payday loans has become quite popular nowadays. This is because the amount of unpredictable financial expenditures keeps growing steadily and more people face the need to get cash advance in the shortest time possible. With 24Biz, getting payday loans in Colorado and other US states, where such services are officially allowed, is no longer a challenge. No wonder, experts working for the company have recently published the statistics concerning the popularity of payday loans in Colorado.
"24Biz" is the US-based cash advance company, which is oriented towards their clients’ success and profitability. They have been in the market for several years already and have won popularity among the residents of different states. Recent results published by the company have proven that financial assistance provided by is in demand with Colorado residents, although, the state ranks 11 in terms of GDP.
According to the study conducted by the representatives of the company, 4.3% of Colorado residents have used their payday loan services in 2015-2016. The average loan sum constitutes around $359, although, the cash advance payments may range from $100 and up to $1000 depending upon a number of factors. In some cases, the sum of the loan may exceed the $1000 limit.
Speaking about the gender aspect, the results were quite surprising. It turned out that about 51% of men and 49% of women used the services during the specified time interval. About 18% of borrowers were people between 18 and 24 years old. 32% of people, who applied for a loan, had a full-time job, 20% of clients worked part-time and around 21% of users were completely unemployed.
To sum it up, it may be concluded that payday loans in Colorado enjoy popularity among people of different age groups, social and marital statuses, occupations, job experience, income etc. This is because the loans offer a superb opportunity to get the required sum of money in less than a few hours. The process of applying for a loan is not that difficult and can be completed any time of the day. The approval time generally does not exceed 5-7 minutes and no credit check is required to apply for a payday loan in Colorado. Currently, cash advance services are also provided in the local offices of the 24BIZ Company, which are located in Denver, Colorado Springs, Aurora, Fort Collins, Lakewood, Arvada, Westminster, Thornton, Pueblo, Centennial and Boulder.
For more information, please, take your time to visit
About the Company:
24Biz is a payday loan company, which is located in the US and offers high quality services to the residents living in different states of the country. The company has gained immense popularity due to the range of features that distinguish it from other suchlike companies. These include 24/7 accessibility, absence of credit check and extra charges, long list of direct lenders the company works with, same day money deposits and low requirements needed to get the loan approval.
Contact Info
Contact Person: Marina Kingston
Address: 2021 E 3rd St., Sacramento, CA, USA
Tel.: (916) 333-0645
[email protected]