Gonorrhea is caused by infection with the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae, it might also be known as "clap" or "drip". It is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that might infect both males and females. It is also a contagious illness transmitted most often by sexual contact with an infected person. Warm and moist parts of the body will be infected, including urethra (the tube that drains urine from the urinary bladder), eyes, throat, vagina, anus and women reproductive tract (the fallopian tubes, cervix, and uterus). It is a very widespread infection which is commonly found among young people ages 15-24.
Gonorrhea Causes
After having vaginal, anal, or oral sex with someone who has gonorrhea, you may get gonorrhea. Contact with infected bodily fluids may also spread gonorrhea, so that in the course of childbirth, the baby can be passed on the infection by the mother. The likelihood of infection can also be increased by behaviors such as alcohol abuse and illegal drug abuse, especially IV drug use make a person more likely to participate in unprotected sex.
Gonorrhea Symptoms
Within two to Fourteen days after exposure, signs usually come about. Knowing when to get treatment can be tricky due to the fact not all people infected with gonorrhea have signs. When symptoms remain ?°silent?± like this, a person is more likely to spread the infection to other partners.
1. Symptoms in men
Males with gonorrhea have aching discomfort during urination, greater frequency or urgency of urination, a pus-like discharge (or drip) from the penis (white, yellow, beige, or greenish), swelling or redness at the opening of the penis, swelling or pain in the testicles and a persistent sore throat.
2. Symptoms in Women
Women with gonorrhea have greenish yellow or whitish discharge from the vagina, lower abdominal or pelvic pain, burning when urinating, conjunctivitis (red, itchy eyes), bleeding between periods, spotting after intercourse, swelling of the vulva(vulvitis) and burning in the throat (due to oral sex).
Gonorrhea treatment
1. Antibiotics
Your doctor will provide you either an oral or injectable antibiotic to heal a gonorrhea infection. In order to avoid reinfection and further spread of the illness, your partner should also be treated at the same time.Some strains of gonorrhea developed resistance to common antibiotics. Scientists are working to develop vaccines to avoid gonorrhea infection since these types of cases may demand more extensive treatment (usually along with more expensive antibiotics) or combinations of antibiotics.
2. Herbal medicine
Herbal medicine can be an alternative treatment of gonorrhea. In the view of TCM, gonorrhea is induced by toxic materials and Urination Disturbance. By adding a variety of herbs in, a complete herbal medicine can contain lots of function like as clearing toxic materials and relieving stranguria curing gonorrhea. What's more, the immunity and self-healing ability can also be enhanced by herbal medicine. Women can take Fuyan Pill and men can take Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill to get a cure. Herbal medicine can be an alternative remedy of gonorrhea. In the view of TCM, gonorrhea is caused by toxic materials and Urination Disturbance. By adding different herbs in, a complete herbal medicine can contain plenty of function such as clearing toxic materials and relieving stranguria curing gonorrhea. What's more, the immunity and self-healing ability can also be enhanced by herbal medicine. Women can take Fuyan Pill and men can take Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill to get cured.
More information about Fuyan Pill and Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, please visit the website: http://www.99eyao.com/english/