The golden age of the door to door salesman is over and with it, a new period of economical growth and perspective has been ushered in. People trying to build and grow their businesses have been since using telephones in order to reach more and more clients and to make more and more sales. Although keeping your employees in an office for 8 hours a day, rather than in a car for several days a week, can help you reduce your operational costs significantly, this also can be improved by implementing a sales dialer. What this does is help your agents get the most out of each phone call and frees them up to work on some other skills they might need in order to close a sale. And if that isn’t advanced enough, you might want to consider a sales CRM solution.
What Is A Sales Dialer?
If in the old days of telephone sales, a sales dialer would have been a person dialing its way through a list of contacts and engaging those who picked up before hanging up and moving to the next phone number, today a dialer is used to refer to a piece of software that does the dialing instead of the human. These types of software are important because it takes less time for it to dial, it makes fewer mistakes when dialing and it even can evaluate of a number is going to pick up or not, thus reducing the time spent on each number. If the number dialed picks up than the dialer automatically transfers the person who answered to the closest agent and then moves on.
Dialers nowadays have become even more advanced than that. They can link each potential customer, or “lead” as they are known in the industry, to a specific agent depending on how much their profiles match. It can even help create the customers’ profile by engaging in a series of questions that help gauge his interests and potential for making a sale. And, although they are called dialers, the software can send out text messages and even access e-mail sent between the client and the agent.
Why Would Anyone Need This Kind of Software?
Companies and call-centers around the world noticed that their employees were spending too much time dialing the phone numbers. Also, most of the numbers were busy, or didn’t pick up or go to fax machines. This meant that the employees were losing time and the company was losing money with leads that didn’t answer. So, they needed something that would help them reach only the numbers that actually did pick up. This is how the dialers were born. Of course, the first automated dialers were simply machines attached to the phones that would dial numbers from a list, but with time and thanks to technical innovation, they became apps that could replace clunky old machines and to some extent even people.
Besides going through lists of numbers quicker, these dialers could also create various reports regarding each phone call or agent. Thusly, companies could better understand where they had to improve and how. For instance, if a certain agent would have a longer talk time with some clients than with others that meant that those agents were better suited for a specific type of client. It also meant that the company could better target their campaigns.
Types of dialers:
• Preview dialers: These are the most basic types of dialers out there. But, although basic, they have their uses. Preview dialers let agents preview a leads’ profile before deciding to call or not. This is helpful especially when having a strong client database that you want to comb through and see how they respond to your interaction.
• Progressive or power dialers: These kinds of dialers don’t let agents preview a leads profile before calling it. As soon as one phone is answered and routed to the closest agent, it moves on to the next phone number and dials it. This is why these types of dialers are better suited for companies with scripted answers or for call-centers looking to expand their client database
• Predictive and automated dialers: These sales dialers are called automated or predictive because they call several numbers at once and then reroute the ones that answer to the agent most capable of handling them. These dialers are more efficiently used in big companies where time is literally money.
What is Sales CRM?
Customer Relationship Management is a type of tools used in various departments of any company. For a support team CRM could mean managing customer complaints and tickets regarding various malfunctions or questions. For a marketing department CRM tools can be used to consumer behavior and response to company campaigns. sales CRM tools are used in order to store and structure client information in order to elaborate efficient databases and thusly generate more sales.
Some of the benefits of using sales CRM are:
1. Sales simplification
These tools can be used in order to keep all the information about a lead in one handy, well-organized place in order to give the agent responsible for reaching out to the lead all the tools necessary to make the engagement as easily as possible. This is known as “lead nurturing”. Basically, it means that the CRM software constructs a profile of the lead by gathering all the information it can from previous interactions. This makes for an easier engagement and brings more sales.
2. Centralize operations
When you have a lot of balls in the air you need some help juggling them. This is where sales CRM tools come in handy. They help bot agent and team leader get the most out of their work. Agents use CRM tools in order to keep track of every bit of information they need. From contact details to payment slips and from scheduled meetings to e-mail archive, everything an agent needs are right at the tip of their fingers. Also, team leaders can easily asses any agent working through structured analysis created by the CRM software.
3. Data input accuracy
Entering data manually about a client can result in mistakes being made and that is something nobody wants. CRM tools help with that by automatically recording and filing data about each client as they are engaged by the agent. This helps keep records up to date and almost eliminates human error when it comes to data inputting.