Back pain is a real problem for many of people in Del Mar and the surrounding areas. Understanding patient’s problems, Dr. Fattie offers patients the latest non-surgical treatment options.
The back covers a large area of our body. Made up of many nerves, a big portion of the spinal cord, tendons, ligaments, discs, muscles and bones, it’s truly complicated to located and address the source of the pain. She first diagnoses the root cause of the underlying pain and problem and then customize a customized treatment plan to deliver lasting results.
We at Dr. Fattie Del Mar know that chronic stress ultimately leads to hyper-tension and cause migraine headaches. Migraines can be extremely tough to deal with and most people who suffer from chronic migraines can sense when the migraine is coming on. She makes use of natural ways in which a migraine can be treated. Being an upper Cervical Chiropractor, she offers natural migraine and headache treatment in Del Mar CA.
At, we offer backpain treatment in Del Mar which aid in the treatment of lower back pain, pinched nerves, sciatica, radiating pain into the legs, degenerative discs, spinal stenosis and limited range of motion. If you’re suffering from any of these symptoms, spinal decompression is the right answer for you. Dr. Fattie use this non-surgical procedure to provide lower back and neck pain relief.
We at Dr. Fattie Del Mar make use of gentle distraction forces of spinal decompression to create a decompression of the spine with unloading because to distraction and proper positioning. This aid to improve blood flow and nutrient exchange to the injured area. Our therapy session last not more than 20 minutes, 3 times a week in a month. The procedure she usesmake patients feel great relief from spinal pain.
We at offers a complete program which target the function of the stabilization ligaments, tendons and muscles which is crucial for spinal decompression. Dr. Fattie make use of exercise and adjunctive therapies such as heat, muscle stimulation, ultrasound and cold therapy can help in the rehabilitation of these structures. We aim to heal the disc to enhance muscular control and support patients back and neck. Back pain treatment offers long-term relief or effective management of your pain.
Back pain treatment in DelMar also helps patients with migraine using multidisciplinary approach. With the help of our team of professionals, she helps you find the root cause of your condition. She treats the patient with pain on one side of your head, pulsating or throbbing pain, blurred vision, and lightheadedness.
So, if you are looking for a natural treatment of migraine and back pain, just give us a call at (858) 519-5461 to schedule an appointment with our best chiropractor. Surf our website to know more about our services.
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