Considering the rate at which we are consuming the energy sources, it is apparent that we will soon run out of them and our future generations will face a very hard time. To ensure that this does not happen, we must use energy solutions that make efficient use of energy and utilize more the natural sources than the limited artificial ones. To help us in doing this, Ezzogenics has come up with advanced and effective energy solutions that are aimed at conserving heritage and preserving it for our future generations. Its top class services have facilitated many hotels and companies in Singapore with solutions that completely transformed the way they used energy.
The comprehensive range of products offered by the company includes Ezzoled, Ecogen, Ezzoshield, solar power, Palccoat and Solfire. While the Ezzoled focuses on designing beautifully finished quality LED light luminaires at an affordable price, Ecogen provides a clean, renewable energy solution for hot water by using recovered exhausted heated air from air-conditioning units to heat up stored water. Ezzoshield on the other hand is an eco-friendly and cost-effective transparent liquid coating that reduces ultraviolet radiation from passing through windows, minimizing the risk skin cancer caused due to UV rays. In addition to these, the company also offers solar PV systems to be installed at your house to make the best use of sun’s energy.
To top it all, Ezzogenics also provides Palccoat. It is a photocatalyst coating that gets your surroundings rid of pollutants, odours, fungal spores, bacteria, viruses and all those harmful materials that risk our health and damage our environment. Another one provided by the company is Solfire. It is a line of eco-friendly lighting products that are powered by sunlight and are a great clean, self-sustaining, renewable source of illumination with a lifespan of over 10 years. All these solutions collectively make your surroundings eco-friendly.
Along with these quality products, Ezzogenics is also a pioneer in providing consultancy services for Energy Management Systems and Green Mark Certification to companies and organizations. By conducting Energy Audit and Managing Energy Saving projects, the professionals of Ezzogenics assist companies in establishing the ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems. You can effortlessly improve the energy efficiency, environmental sustainability and sustainable design in your new and existing development with the help pf this company.
With such effective energy solutions, homeowners as well as businessmen in Singapore can play their part in the conservation of energy and make an efficient use of their resources at the same time. To know more or to talk to its consultants, log on to