Posted December 17, 2022 by Codesolutionstuff

Angular is one of the most popular JavaScript-based frontend frameworks in the world and also very popular here on GitHub.
Angular is one of the most popular JavaScript-based frontend frameworks in the world and also very popular here on GitHub.

Click Here for More: https://www.codesolutionstuff.com/14-reasons-to-use-angular-for-web-development/

Table of Content
1. Simplified MVC Architecture
2. Two-Way Data Binding
3. Fast Loading
4. SEO-Friendly
5. Faster Development
6. Using Directives
7. SPA-oriented features
8. Gives Structure to Your App
9. Templates
10. Enterprise-level Testing
11. Improved Flexibility
12. Client-Side Solution
13. Inbuilt CLI
14. Multiple Filters

The recent survey (1,141,572 of the active sites surveyed) revealed that Angular was the most widely used framework. Additionally (3,016,752 sites historically), it is also quite common
Angular is one of the most popular JavaScript-based frontend frameworks in the world and also very popular here on GitHub. It has 219 unique domains and 392,875 total followers, including over 300,000 people following only for updates to Bootstrap 4, which relies on Angular. The numbers are still going up and it’s pretty amazing to see how quickly it’s all happening
Choose Angular for your next web development project. It’s one of the most well-known frameworks, and many developers like to use it because it requires less time/effort. Angular is built with TypeScript, which makes the code easier to read and understand.
If you find yourself needing the power of Angular but with a bit of a lighter learning curve, this article is for you. In it we’ll provide insight into the benefits of using an Angular-based project and how to decide if it’s right for your next web development endeavour.
10+ Reasons To Choose Angular For Your Next Project
Here I have outlined a few of the top reasons to use Angular. Moreover, if you need assistance with Angular development or want to optimise your current web application, it would be wise to take advantage of our expert Angular development services.
1. Simplified MVC Architecture
Angular is an easy-to-use web app that uses the MVC structure to separate the model from the view. It helps you work faster with data binding and MVVM architecture.
This may be an appropriate choice for larger, more complex projects. The MVC framework is popular, because it allows developers to code the application in stages and then test the code one part at a time.
2. Two-Way Data Binding
Angular also provides two-way data binding. This means that changes in the model will automatically affect the view and vice versa, so you don’t have to worry about keeping track of every variable by yourself.
Two-way binding is fundamental for large apps as it handles all of the variable state on its own, which saves a lot of time & effort. The process of developing & testing such templates also becomes easier due to this feature.
3. Fast Loading
Angular was designed with business performance in mind. It’s so fast and easy, which is why it works well for busy sites with a lot of traffic. This means you won’t have to worry about slow loading times or too many resources being taken up by advertising on your site – that’s always good for business! In addition, angular’s optimization features make it ideal for high-load websites.
4. SEO-Friendly
One of Angular’s key features is that it is SEO-friendly and therefore helps your website rank higher in search engines. As opposed to small startups, medium-sized and large corporations can take advantage of this application to grow their enterprise. Google loves Angular, so it’s no wonder they built in SEO features. This means you can improve your website’s visibility online where its needed most.
To make your website SEO and user-friendly, hire dedicated Angular developers from the top rated Angular app development company They can make sure that you always rank high in SERPS and they will take care of all the code optimization aspects too.
5. Faster Development
Angular is a powerful and fast web framework that’s easy to use, understand and helps with development speeds. The databinding & simplified MVC make it great for simpler projects where rapid results are desired.
This means it’s a great choice if you’re working on a deadline or need to launch your website quickly, since Angular lets you build things more quickly.
6. Using Directives
This is the most important part of Angular. Directives are like an extension to HTML and make it easier for you to build your web pages and applications with less code.
7. SPA-oriented features
Angular is ideal for Single Page Applications. It has a lot of features that will help you build your app faster, such as routing, deep-linking and more. If you’re looking for an Angular SPA builder, then have a look at the examples below.
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Issued By SHITAL.B
Country India
Categories Blogging , Business , Education
Tags machine learning , laravel , programming , php , artificial intelligence
Last Updated December 17, 2022