This is a guide dedicated to the three main melee skills: Attack, Strength and Defence.
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Newbie: Level 3 to 20
At these levels, you're pretty much useless when it comes to making real profit off monsters.
Cows: Pretty good money and crafting experience from cowhides. They also do not hit often as well as having high health, giving more experience.
Goblins: Good fighting experience, low - low medium drops. Can drop gems occationally. Caution: May be crowded in lumbridge, and death is always possible.
Chickens: Killing chickens is a good way to earn experience, as they do not hit you AT ALL. They drop feathers at a rate of 90%, in which ~25 - 30% are in bunks of 20. Your hits are getting wasted at around level 15 strength, as you are probably capable of hitting 4 with a good enough weapon by then.
Looking for some more challenging stuff? Well, take a look here:
Imp revenants from level 1 - 13 wilderness: Decent coin drops, but worthless none the less. Only killed for fun most of the times.
Level 15+: Level 21 guards at Falador and Varrock, and preferably Edgeville. Bring food and decent armory.
Amateur: Level 20 to 45
You're becoming better, i see. Stronger monsters await you.
Level 21 guards: Recommended to bring food at level 40-. Mithril or higher recommended as weapon and armor.
Dwarves in Dwarven mines: Bring decent food. They drop gems and nature runes occationally. Black or better recommended.
Scorpions in Dwarven mines or Al-Kharid mining crevasse: Bring decent food and mithril or better.
Goblin revenants: Advised to bring food as they are capable of hitting over 10. Bring mithril or adamant, maybe rune armor and/or weapons if you can wear/wield and afford it.
At level 40+ you could always try Lesser Demons. You are advised to bring food such as tuna or better and adamant armor or better (rune.)
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