GLEN CAMPBELL, Founder and Managing Director of Brandheart believes that anybody who excels in what they do, will most likely have an extremely clear and focused ‘sense of self’ or ‘self-awareness’.
They will spend a great deal of time contemplating, defining, redefining and evolving who they are and want to be, where they’re going and how they get there.
In doing this two of the most difficult and fundamental questions humanity has been asking itself for time immemorial - “Who am I, and why am I here?”…get answered.
The vast majorities of people is plagued by not understanding what their life purpose is and as a result have not lived to their true potentiality.
Truly great and successful people have found that magical method that helps them to discover their best or ideal self: their Personal Branding, so they can take the necessary action to live as that person consistently every minute of every day.
Brandheart, several years ago, developed a Personal Brand methodology or brand positioning strategy that is truly unique, simple and effective and best helps business leaders and entrepreneurs to go on that truly liberating journey of self-discovery.
A journey that allows them to be your own super hero and not, like so many others, live their life to other people’s standards, style or aspirations or worse still to change like the wind making inconsistency a characteristic of their leadership style. Something employees and business associates don’t respond well to or can possibly align with.
Anybody that has spent the very valuable time defining their personal vision, core purpose, values, personality and key attributes and what constitutes their life passion will have a significantly better chance of living an elevated and inspired life…and leading others to do the same.
For anyone who leads an organization Brandheart believes that developing their personal brand positioning strategy and living as their best self is a key hallmark of a great leader.
Leaders who have done this are more likely to forge the vision and culture of their organization in a way that is in harmony with their own. And doing that is a very important start to creating a strong foundation for the development of a powerful and enduring brand.
There’s a massive amount of quality research out there that confirms the leader of a business primarily shapes the mind and mood, or the culture, of those they lead.
And it has also been unequivocally proven that culture directly affects employee happiness, which in turn has a significant bearing on efficiency and productivity.
In fact a study undertaken by Yale University concluded that ‘how people feel’ accounts for around 20-30% of their overall performance.
Another study undertaken by Lyle Spencer, for the Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organisations found that a 1% shift in the positive service culture of an organisation resulted in a 2% increase in gross revenue.
Having employees that are happy and positive we know is vitally important, yet imagine if they were all also very clear about, and committed to, the leader’s vision, purpose and values for the organisation. And imagine further that those aspirations and ideals were also consistent with that of the leader’s personal brand and BRANDING STRATEGY COACHING.
Having the leader of an organisation and the organisation in that kind of alignment is immensely powerful and has a natural and awesome impact of productivity.
This would surely be a very potent catalyst for success, especially at a time when the world that has never been more complex, insecure and uncertain.
Brand hearts Glen Campbell, Business speaker believes that the only real way to battle external uncertainty is with internal certainty…yet unfortunately the greatest issue for most organisations we have found, is not external uncertainty, but internal uncertainty.
Glen has said many times to business leaders, “Beware the enemy for he is us” – making the point that the real issues and challenges that are holding organisations back for achieving their vision mostly lie within.
Brandheart promotes the fact those leaders that resonate, and create positively charged cultures that are in alignment; that are single-minded, are very good for business.
Yet the flip side is also true: leaders that create dissonance with cultures characterised by disharmony and unhappiness are very bad for business.
Clearly cultures experiencing dissonance are destructive, and unfortunately are not a rarity.
Right now over 40% of the Australian workforce suffers stress and anxiety emanating from dissonant cultures and this is costing organisations and the Australian economy dearly.
Stress related presenteeism, and that means people who are work yet not doing any work, and absenteeism, which means people talking days off when they’re not sick, are directly costing Australian employers over $10 billion a year, and the Australian economy a fairly hefty multiplier of that.
The key thing is this…the performance of your business, or lack of it, is a direct result of your ability of the leader to achieve a deep understanding of their best self or Personal Branding and then their ability to make live and lead in that way consistently. A significant positive and powerful ripple effect is inevitable.
Ghandi once said, “If you cannot go within, you will go without.”
At Brandheart we believe this to be irrefutable.
Leaders who have a strong understanding of their best self, their personal brand, and strive to live that everyday are more likely to forge organisational cultures that are equipped to keep the promises made to their consumers and prospects…and this of course is the one of the key pillars in creating a strong and prosperous brand building.
That’s why at Brandheart we use our unique Brand development program methodology to develop the leader’s personal brand first, and then move on to defining an aligning organisational brand development strategy after that.
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Phone.0412 746 206
Address : Suite 5, 35 Wycombe Road Kurraba Point NSW Aust 2089