Create an Expense Tracking App That Rivals Splitwise

Posted November 8, 2024 by brandburp

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Do you remember the times when we were dividing bills among our friends that we were incurring back long ago and keeping on record? In case you have many family members or relatives travelling along with friends, or your colleagues as a team, then splitting may not be difficult at all. You can seek out a guide for additional guidance on how to Create An App Like Splitwise.

If you are staying in a shared home with friends or corporate partners who are far apart, splitting the costs could be a challenge.

Mobile app development companies have eased the job of splitting bills considerably with apps such as Splitwise. These apps have done away with the time-consuming and embarrassing process of calculating and dividing bills. In this world of smart technology, no one would remain empty-pocket or out of money due to the improved transaction procedure and quick payment systems.

Your search ends here! This blog will give you all the necessary concepts of a bill splitwise app, how much it costs, its features, tech stack, and tips. Scroll down to explore.

Before moving directly toward the creation let's have a look at the definition of the same before you Create An App Like Splitwise.

What is a bill-splitting Application?
You can keep track of a monitor, manage, and share bills among roommates, friends, colleagues, or others using a bill splitting or split bill app. Many applications even allow you to link bank accounts so that payments can be made in the application as well.

Bull-splitting applications are designed using easy interfaces because they usually involve students, children groups, or coworkers, different from mobile transfer applications or banking applications.

A bill splitter app will keep track of all the bills including shopping bills, electricity or restaurant bills, and travel expenditures.

How to Create An App Like Splitwise: Development Process
This is how you Create An App Like Splitwise:
Selecting the Technology Stack for Development
This would be of significant importance for custom mobile application development in terms of selecting the development technology to Create An App Like Splitwise online. It must be the kind of stack that suits your requirements and also the need for scalability. Technologies such as React Native or Flutter go for cross-platform compatibility with a very wide reach to the users and minimize development efforts.

This stage is the MVP, where the core features should start with expense tracking, registration of users, and other basic group management. Make the product functional and user-friendly, so that quick tests and feedback from the end-users can be facilitated.

UI/UX design
At this stage, the product should be designed considering how easily its UI/UX is operable. It must appear friendly and beautiful to make it user-friendly, at the same time not harming the visual appeal of the app.
Beta testing & user feedback
It should polish your application in the final stretch through beta testing and receiving user reviews. Let this small set of users test it, generate knowledge about how usable, or even the general behaviour of it might be when bugs are present or elsewhere, so you iterate again by this input received for enhancement in quality overall in the final show of your application.

Delivering your completed app
This process to Create An App Like Splitwise involves rigorous testing, bug fixing, and performance optimization in finalizing the app. Ensure that the app meets the design guidelines and complies with the requirements of the app store. A comprehensive launch strategy should be prepared to introduce your Splitwise-like app to the market with confidence.
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Categories Advertising , Business , Industry
Tags create an app like splitwise , how to create an app like splitwise , splitwise online
Last Updated November 8, 2024