Bell Integration are known throughout the UK, Europe and many parts of Asia-Pacific as a leading name in the world of IT advise and assistance, as well as for the implementation and integration of the best systems on behalf of their clients.
Their clients use their services for the ongoing successful running of their own concerns. Bell has built the success of their own company by assimilating some into their fold, as well as joining forces with other groups.
Some of their clients are big organizations and corporations with international exposure whereas others are based locally and could be termed smaller to medium size companies. The firm offers the services of a professional company that employs educated, experienced and knowledgeable staff to ensure high-quality services and ongoing assistance.
As IT specialists they understand all aspects related to that segment of any business that relies on systems that keep their company connected, well organized and competitive insofar as computer systems play a prominent part.
Their clients understand that no competitive organizations can survive without the support of the most advanced IT systems in place; therefore they employ the firm’s services to assist them in all their crucial, unique applications to ensure ongoing effectiveness and success. Their varied services include all aspects of technical support and assisting with hardware requirements, all software needs and issues related to data center optimization, workload migration and total lifecycle management of all IT processes and hardware.
The firm’s Mr. Dave Leyland, Director of Solutions of the firm’s CTO Office was asked about his company’s services with regard to recycling of assets. He said, “We offer the complete service and that includes all aspects related to the total management of all aspects that IT entails – also secure and cost-effective disposal of hardware. This is an important function that serves to protect various aspects of a client’s business. We have the best personnel to take care of this issue, and we are happy to say that this remains one of those services that we are called out to perform all the time.”
It is important to dispose of hardware and systems in a way that ensures your firm is compliant in terms of regulations. It also aids the client’s ideals to always ensure that during disposal there is no leakage of data or that network security is compromised. Bell can assist in this regard. Their service is reasonable and recommended by all current and past clients.
About Us
At Bell Integration we pride ourselves on the quality of the IT services we provide to our clients from many parts of Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. We offer a host of services to aid the success of our clients’ endeavors at running and growing their businesses by adding value to their core business ideals with regard to the unique IT services we bring to their organizations. Our expertise is varied and includes all aspects of setting up and offering ongoing advice in terms of outstanding IT systems that integrate their critical technology with aspects such as customer and employee engagement for the benefit of all involved, all the while looking at ways to drive down operating costs. We are a multiple awards winning IT firm with more than 20 years’ experience in our field. For more about us please visit