Many people prefer to have a bird as a companion, because they enjoy how much they talk, they are colorful, playful, and they can stay indoors. However, parrots and small birds deserve a lot of attention, because they require proper bird food and bird seed, they need companionship, interactive toys, they need to have spacious cages to move around, and they should never be neglected, because they develop behavior issues. knowing how to properly take care of your avian friend is essential.
What Bird Food Is Best
Bird food needs to be diverse, colorful, and nutritional, to respond to your feathered friend’s needs throughout the day. Just think about their behavior in the wild, how they look for food, forge for it, how they eat seeds, fruits, insects. Feeding time should be a delight, because birds are very curious and they like to play with their foods, to put an effort into the process. They can always be surprised by new textures, tastes, and colors. Luckily, you don’t have to start making food at home, because you can find some amazing products from manufacturers that developed complete meals.
Bird pellets are preferable for small parrots, especially because they provide a complete diet. You can find some great products on Petshopdirect , formulated to meet specific needs and for your specific type of bird. Pellets are developed in many sizes, smaller and larger, so they get easily ingested and digested. Of course, diets should be complete and diverse, so don’t assume that only pellets are required throughout the day. You can always integrate some other foods, including table food, snacks, treats, fresh fruits and vegetables, and more.
Why Bird Food Matters
Proper bird food has a great impact on your feathered friend. It affects their behavior, health, feathers, and just as you pay attention to what you eat, you should do the same for your pet. Even before getting a pet bird, you should talk to a specialist to find out about the breed, what you should expect, how to take care of it properly, what is safe and what foods to avoid. Some cause serious issues, while others are toxic, which means you can lose your pet if you provide certain types of food, such as chocolate.
Vegetables are always a good idea; they are nutritious and you can cut them in small pieces and offer them from your hand. You can offer your bird broccoli tips, leafy greens, carrots, peppers, zucchini, beets, peas, and such. The sizing can increase based on how your pet grows, and they will soon get the hang of things. They require protein as well, and once or twice a week you can offer your companion lean meats, such as chicken breast. Some hard-boiled eggs are also suitable now and then, as supplements to their diet.
On the other hand, fruits are not always a good idea, because they have a lot of sugar. Especially since your pet spends a lot of time inside the cage, if he eats too many fruits, he gets fat and soon enough you need to put it on a diet. Small amounts are best, and they should be soft, so that your bird can pull pieces off. The base bird food needs to be highly nutritious and rich, and what you offer secondary can be considered as treats. Your bird gets hungriest in the morning and during this time you should offer base food, along with fresh water. Small birds have fast metabolism and they like to eat throughout the day, so don’t leave the bowl empty for too long.
When you give your bird fresh fruits and vegetables, make sure they are out for a few hours only, because they begin to attract pests, to get stable and dry out. You can always present the food in a great manner, to make your bird forge for it, or to establish a bond, provide it from your hand. It is a great way to interact with your companion, gain their trust, and create a connection. As for what you can find in online pet shops, visit our website and you will discover a great range of products, especially pellets and seeds. They offer a complete balance between nutrients and vitamins, so that your companion is always healthy and happy.
Why Bird Seed
Speaking of bird seed, they are nutritious and most birds love them. You can combine them with pellets or offer them as snacks, so they can munch on seeds all day long. Some brands provide snacking options, such as seeds on sticks, so birds can forage for them, put some efforts, and engage their minds. This is always preferable, because birds are intelligent and curious, and they should be entertained while they try to eat, just like they do in nature. It is in their instincts, and even if they are indoors, some behaviors need to be encouraged and compensated.
As already pointed out, food needs to be diverse and nutritious, which means it is not a good idea to provide only bird seed to your companion. They are a good source of healthy fats and protein, but not all seeds are recommended. Giving too many can cause obesity, vitamin deficiency, and liver disease. Some of the best options include sesame seeds, chia, and watermelon seeds.
Parrots like the taste of bird seed, and will avoid other foods to eat them. In moderation they are part of a healthy diet, but don’t forget to include pellets, fresh vegetables, and fruits. Dry seeds have health benefits, because they encourage birds to forage, they fill up your pet, they are tasty and you can use them as reinforcement.
When you provide bird seed, look closely to the brand you choose and what types of seeds are inside. You should invest in quality foods and seeds, because otherwise you will find out your pet has health issues and suffers from various conditions. Giving out only one type of food is never recommended.